Candidate Centre Registration


Select Country

Contact Details


Date of Birth *



Residential Address

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LinkedIn Profile
If you wish to share your public LinkedIn profile please paste the URL, once pasted you can click on the View link to review.

Access Password

(for future online application/s)


(Your email address.)
Password must be at least 8 characters long and contain a mix of numbers, non-alphanumeric characters, upper case and lower case letters.

* indicates required fields.

Are you a previous GPC/Repco employee?*


Contract Type


Current Selection:
Hold the CTRL key while clicking to select multiple fields or to deselect selected fields

Employment Type


Current Selection:
Hold the CTRL key while clicking to select multiple fields or to deselect selected fields

How did you hear about GPC Asia Pacific?

Referrer's Name *

Category Preference *


Current Selection:
Hold the CTRL key while clicking to select multiple fields or to deselect selected fields
Availabilities refer to the times, during a normal week, that you would be able to work. If you are not able to work on a particular day then please leave it blank.
Start Time
End Time
Submitting all the days and times that you are available to work allows for greater flexibility when scheduling shifts. It does not mean that you will be rostered for all the days and times that you enter.
Desired Salary/Hourly Rate
Please select an option below to indicate your Desired Salary or Hourly Rate

Currency Type

Desired Annual Salary


Current Selection:
Hold the CTRL key while clicking to select multiple fields or to deselect selected fields

Desired Hourly Rate


Current Selection:
Hold the CTRL key while clicking to select multiple fields or to deselect selected fields
Are you currently in paid employment? Yes     No
Terms & Conditions
I have read and understood the GPC Asia Pacific Privacy Policy and agree to the use of my personal details for job seeking activities.
Yes, I agree with the Privacy Policy of GPC Asia Pacific
No, I don't agree.